
UID changeable mifare 1k card with backdoor

  • It is used as a mifare card, it has backdoor to change the uid of the card.
  • you can use libnfc' command nfc-mfsetuid to change the uid of the card
  • Works exactly like the Mifare S50, with 16 Sectors and 4 Blocks each Sector, but the Sector 0 Block Zero known as Manufacturers Block where the Chip UID is stored, can be re programmed to any UID you wish.
  • This is a perfect solution for a lost irreplaceable Mifare Cards ID, you don't need to re-enroll new cards. Just program this new Mifare 1K's UID to the UID of lost card then you have a new Exactly the same card.
A quick video of this copier in action

Change the uid with proxmark3

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  1. Proxmark3 / Rfid Cloner / Tags / Uid Changeable Card: Uid Changeable Mifare 1K Card With Backdoor >>>>> Download Now

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