
UID changeable mifare 4K card S70 card

1.Uid changable mifare 4K card S70 card.

2.use proxmark3 to read and write the uid with the default key FFFFFFFFFFFF
2.1 Read & write block 65 
2.2 Just change it like you change block 1 and block2

3. Use acr122u to read and write it.

UID changeable mifare 1k card block0 writable

1. UID changeable mifare 1k card block0 writable
 2. Use proxmark3 to read and write the uid with the default key FFFFFFFFFFFF
Just change it like you change block 1 and block2
3. Use acr122u to read and write it.

UID changeable mifare 1k card with backdoor

  • It is used as a mifare card, it has backdoor to change the uid of the card.
  • you can use libnfc' command nfc-mfsetuid to change the uid of the card
  • Works exactly like the Mifare S50, with 16 Sectors and 4 Blocks each Sector, but the Sector 0 Block Zero known as Manufacturers Block where the Chip UID is stored, can be re programmed to any UID you wish.
  • This is a perfect solution for a lost irreplaceable Mifare Cards ID, you don't need to re-enroll new cards. Just program this new Mifare 1K's UID to the UID of lost card then you have a new Exactly the same card.
A quick video of this copier in action

Change the uid with proxmark3